Trust Allenstein & Allenstein attorneys for legal support
in car wrecks and Social Security representation. Call us Today!

Affordable Services

Auto Accidents

Have you been injured in a car accident that was not your fault?

Social Security Benefits

Are you unable to work due to an  injury or long-term illness?

Other Needs

We’re here to help direct you to another attorney if we don’t work in your area of need.

Guiding Principles, Resolute Advocacy

Welcome to Allenstein & Allenstein LLC, where the pursuit of justice is our highest calling, and empowering our clients is our greatest privilege. With a legacy built on integrity, expertise, and compassion, our firm stands ready to champion your rights and navigate you through the legal complexities with confidence.

At Allenstein & Allenstein LLC, we care about you and work hard on every single case.

Rose Marie Allenstein attorney

Get started today

What Our Clients Say

“Rose Marie Allenstein is the name you need to know for disability claims. Her heart is in what she is doing. We felt that for her, it is not all about the money. We were hanging on to the end of the rope when we found her, and she came through big time. We are forever grateful.”
“The entire staff is very knowledgeable and helpful. Even over the phone. Ms. Allenstein is a great lawyer and very compassionate towards your cause. She's very straightforward and will be honest with you about what she can and can't do to help you and your case!!”
“Rose Marie is one of the best disability attorneys in Etowah county! She won't take your case if she doesn't believe she can win it. She's a soft spoken force of nature to be reckoned with! 🏆💪”

What Makes Us Different?

You can Afford Us

We don't get paid unless we win

We care for you

We are good at what we do

Driven by Faith

Unapologetic about our faith

Serving Gadsden and Etowah County with legal support in car wrecks and Social Security representation since 1973. 

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